Greetings Friendship Family...
The Easter season is upon us, and there are signs of the Lord’s handiwork and blessings everywhere. I love the season of spring with the warmer temperatures, green grass, bright flowers, birds chirping, and more daylight! AMEN! With Spring comes Easter and the celebration of our Lord’s Resurrection.
Yes, Spring is a time to celebrate and reflect on the life and teachings of Jesus. In the hustle and bustle of our daily lives, let's take a moment and really reflect on what the blessing of His resurrection and what it means for us.
This a time for us to reaffirm our commitment to living according to the teachings of Jesus and draw strength from knowing that he will always be there for us. Amen!
Let’s celebrate the Resurrection!
Be encouraged
Let me give you these announcements and get us on our way. I encourage you to read whats written so you can gain more information about the particulars of the events and this announcements.
The Easter season is upon us, and there are signs of the Lord’s handiwork and blessings everywhere. I love the season of spring with the warmer temperatures, green grass, bright flowers, birds chirping, and more daylight! AMEN! With Spring comes Easter and the celebration of our Lord’s Resurrection.
Yes, Spring is a time to celebrate and reflect on the life and teachings of Jesus. In the hustle and bustle of our daily lives, let's take a moment and really reflect on what the blessing of His resurrection and what it means for us.
- We will not be condemned to hell for our sins but taken to live with Him in heaven.
- We will have no more pain or sorrow, and we will be able to see our beautiful Savior face-to-face as well as be reunited with our loved ones who have gone before us.
- That no matter what happens in life, God is always there with us and will never leave our side.
This a time for us to reaffirm our commitment to living according to the teachings of Jesus and draw strength from knowing that he will always be there for us. Amen!
Let’s celebrate the Resurrection!
Be encouraged
Let me give you these announcements and get us on our way. I encourage you to read whats written so you can gain more information about the particulars of the events and this announcements.
Now here are this week's announcements...

TONIGHT! Kingdom Women – Join us for our Virtual Women’s Ministry Monthly Fellowship at 7:00 p.m. Our guest, Rev. Franchesca White, will teach about Naomi: A Woman of the Bible Who Changed the World through Prayer based upon the book When Women Pray - 10 Women Who Changed The World Through Prayer by Bishop T.D. Jakes. Bishop Jakes writes,
TONIGHT! Kingdom Women – Join us for our Virtual Women’s Ministry Monthly Fellowship at 7:00 p.m. Our guest, Rev. Franchesca White, will teach about Naomi: A Woman of the Bible Who Changed the World through Prayer based upon the book When Women Pray - 10 Women Who Changed The World Through Prayer by Bishop T.D. Jakes. Bishop Jakes writes,
We all understand that difficult circumstances are part of life. We all know that trials and tragedies will touch us at some point, and we expect them. We anticipate them. We do our best to be prepared for those moments when they come. But sometimes the depth and the breadth of those circumstances go way beyond our expectations. Sometimes what we view as a difficult moment can stretch into a season. Not just a struggle, but a season of struggle. Not just a single trial or tragedy, but a season of trials and tragedies. In those seasons when it seems like everything that can go wrong does go wrong, it’s easy to believe life will never be the same. It’s easy to believe God has forgotten about you. It’s easy to believe you’ve come under a curse and will never recover. That’s what Naomi believed. That’s what she experienced. Winston Churchill said, “If you’re going through hell—keep going.” That’s good advice, but I would change it a little bit to this: “If you’re going through hell, keep praying.” Because prayer is what will get you through.
Ladies let’s get together and learn because When Women Pray, Curses Are Turned Into Blessings!
Wives! Tomorrow, March 16th, in the next WIVES CLASS. It meets virtually from 9:00-10:30 am via ZOOM. Join Lady Karima, and other Friendship wives as they as they continue this impactful study entitled A Wife after God's Own Heart from the book bearing the same name by Elizabeth George. This class is open for new members at any time. To receive the Zoom link to the class, register today, and bring a friend! Go HERE.
Wives! Tomorrow, March 16th, in the next WIVES CLASS. It meets virtually from 9:00-10:30 am via ZOOM. Join Lady Karima, and other Friendship wives as they as they continue this impactful study entitled A Wife after God's Own Heart from the book bearing the same name by Elizabeth George. This class is open for new members at any time. To receive the Zoom link to the class, register today, and bring a friend! Go HERE.

Evangelism Conference at Gateway Seminary on Saturday, March 16th. To register for Foundations: Reasons We Believe, a one-day workshop focused on apologetics for the church, go HERE.
By purchasing your ticket here, you will save $5 because of the special group rate that Friendship has. Currently, we have 10 spots, which are first come-first served. After payment is received, we will email your ticket to you as soon as possible.
Evangelism Conference at Gateway Seminary on Saturday, March 16th. To register for Foundations: Reasons We Believe, a one-day workshop focused on apologetics for the church, go HERE.
By purchasing your ticket here, you will save $5 because of the special group rate that Friendship has. Currently, we have 10 spots, which are first come-first served. After payment is received, we will email your ticket to you as soon as possible.

On Saturday, March 16th. We will have the young adult ladies tea. For more information, you may scan the QR code above. For more info please contact Le Shon Archer, in our Christian Education & Discipleship ministries HERE. We would love to have the young adults ladies (Ages 18-35) participate in this tea as we seek to connect generation to generation.
For all of our New Members, we will have our Next NEW Members Reception this Sunday, March 17th, at 10:00 am, during EX-Hour. We pray you will join us as we introduce you to our leadership team and give you additional information on your NEW church! Please follow the signage on the first floor of the Carrington Building.
Pastor Curry has been asked to preach for the Seventh Pastoral Anniversary for Pastor Jerome M. Grice, Sr. at Mt. Zion Missionary Baptist Church on this Sunday, March 17th at 3:00pm. Friendship is invited to attend. Our choir will sing accompanied by our band. There is no food service for this event. So grab some lunch and meet us there. We are simply going to be a blessing. The address for the service is 1541 South Hamilton Blvd., Pomona, CA 91766
On Saturday, March 16th. We will have the young adult ladies tea. For more information, you may scan the QR code above. For more info please contact Le Shon Archer, in our Christian Education & Discipleship ministries HERE. We would love to have the young adults ladies (Ages 18-35) participate in this tea as we seek to connect generation to generation.
For all of our New Members, we will have our Next NEW Members Reception this Sunday, March 17th, at 10:00 am, during EX-Hour. We pray you will join us as we introduce you to our leadership team and give you additional information on your NEW church! Please follow the signage on the first floor of the Carrington Building.
Pastor Curry has been asked to preach for the Seventh Pastoral Anniversary for Pastor Jerome M. Grice, Sr. at Mt. Zion Missionary Baptist Church on this Sunday, March 17th at 3:00pm. Friendship is invited to attend. Our choir will sing accompanied by our band. There is no food service for this event. So grab some lunch and meet us there. We are simply going to be a blessing. The address for the service is 1541 South Hamilton Blvd., Pomona, CA 91766

Will be on Saturday, March 23rd. Enjoy a great time of fellowship and encouragement with other Christian men. We have breakfast, a time of worship, and we will pray for the needs in our lives, church, community, nation, and world.
We are learning from God and His Word how to have a powerful prayer life that will impact us personally, and make a difference in the world. You will be blessed!
More info to come very soon. Save the Date!
Will be on Saturday, March 23rd. Enjoy a great time of fellowship and encouragement with other Christian men. We have breakfast, a time of worship, and we will pray for the needs in our lives, church, community, nation, and world.
We are learning from God and His Word how to have a powerful prayer life that will impact us personally, and make a difference in the world. You will be blessed!
More info to come very soon. Save the Date!

We are preparing for HOLY WEEK - March 24- March 31
We are preparing for HOLY WEEK - March 24- March 31
- March 24 Palm Sunday & Groundbreaking Ceremony
- The Groundbreaking Ceremony takes place during EX-HOUR TIME which is 10am out on the construction site.
- Good Friday Service, Friday March 29th here at Friendship at 12 Noon.
- The Significance of the Cross - Seven Last Sayings! Our speakers:
- Pastor Welton Pleasant, Christ Second Baptist Church, Long Beach, CA
- Pastor Jeremy Whittington, Prayer Center Church, Los Angeles, CA
- Rev. Wayne Gaddis, Jr, Youth Pastor, Greater St. Augustine MBC, Los Angeles, CA
- Pastor Rikki Ferrell, Greater New Bethel Baptist Church, Inglewood, CA
- Minister Stevie Wakes, Associate, The Burning Bush Baptist Church, Victorville, CA
- Dr. Jawane Hilton, Pastor, Brister Baptist Church, Compton, CA
- Pastor Keith Tolbert, Life Center Church, San Bernardino, CA
- Good Friday Night Service @ Christ Second Baptist, Pastor Welton Pleasant. Pastor Curry will offer the Lecture and the Rev. Dr. Marcus Cosby (Pastor of Wheeler Avenue Baptist Church of Houston, Texas) will be the speaker! Also, our choir will sing!
- Sunrise Service, Sunday March 31st at 5:30 am
- Worship Service @ 8:00 am and 11:30 am
- On Resurrection Sunday, the Children and Youth will also have special activities during their 11:30 worship time. Children Pre-K-5th grade will celebrate the resurrection, enjoy games, AND hunt for eggs. Youth grades 6-12 will also celebrate with a special resurrection day youth service in the basement.
- Children & Youth Easter Program @ 10:00 am
- Children grades Pre-K-5th grade will present speeches about the meaning of Easter. If you want your child to participate, please see their Ex-Hour or Children's Worship teacher. Students are rehearsing speeches and songs every week during Children's Worship, we invite you to bring them to participate.

A New Hermeneutics Class will begin Saturday March 30, 2024 at 11:00 a.m. to 12:30 pm. Hermeneutics is the method of interpreting the meaning of text or Scriptures. Over the centuries many Christians have abused the Bible by their “proof-texting:” Using the bible like a telephone book of text they cite by chapter and verse to prove their viewpoint. This approach can, and has led to many distortions and errors.
The course will help participants learn how to accurately interpret God’s Word and develop a sound interpretive system. This class will be offered virtually and taught by Rev. Patrick Christian. To join in, go HERE
A New Hermeneutics Class will begin Saturday March 30, 2024 at 11:00 a.m. to 12:30 pm. Hermeneutics is the method of interpreting the meaning of text or Scriptures. Over the centuries many Christians have abused the Bible by their “proof-texting:” Using the bible like a telephone book of text they cite by chapter and verse to prove their viewpoint. This approach can, and has led to many distortions and errors.
The course will help participants learn how to accurately interpret God’s Word and develop a sound interpretive system. This class will be offered virtually and taught by Rev. Patrick Christian. To join in, go HERE
Ministry leaders don't forget that we need photos from your ministries from the last three years to be included in our 60th Anniversary Celebration Book. You can email those photographs HERE ([email protected]). We would love to include those photos in the book. Send what you have and the team will decide if it can be included or not! THANKS!!!
60TH ANNIVERSARY CELEBRATION Commemorative Book Pre-Sales
Our 60th Anniversary Commemorative book is on the way. We will start taking pre-sales, today, Friday, March 15, 2024, online and on Sundays after each worship service. The book is only $75.00. Friendship family, friends, and guests, we need you to support this great milestone. Sixty faithful years of ministry! What a blessing it will be to look back over the years to see what God has done in our ministry and faith community. For more information, contact the church office. To Purchase your Commemorative Book, go HERE.
Ministry leaders don't forget that we need photos from your ministries from the last three years to be included in our 60th Anniversary Celebration Book. You can email those photographs HERE ([email protected]). We would love to include those photos in the book. Send what you have and the team will decide if it can be included or not! THANKS!!!
60TH ANNIVERSARY CELEBRATION Commemorative Book Pre-Sales
Our 60th Anniversary Commemorative book is on the way. We will start taking pre-sales, today, Friday, March 15, 2024, online and on Sundays after each worship service. The book is only $75.00. Friendship family, friends, and guests, we need you to support this great milestone. Sixty faithful years of ministry! What a blessing it will be to look back over the years to see what God has done in our ministry and faith community. For more information, contact the church office. To Purchase your Commemorative Book, go HERE.

On April 6th, we will have two special events for widows and widowers.
We are excited to announce that our Youth Worship Service is back. All youth 6th-12th Grade are welcome to join in. Come out as we continue this series called Bible Basics where we discover how we got the Bible and why we can trust that the Bible truly is the Word of God. The Youth praise team leads worship and there will also be games and fun. They meet in the Carrington Building Basement. Young people, JOIN IN!
The Friendship Safety Team is currently recruiting new members. We need more women and coverage for the 2nd service.
The prerequisites are:
We also would like to appeal to those in Law Enforcement Officers or Retired LEOs. We would love to you on the team, but we know that many of you want to just worship and leave the job at the job. The Safety team, however, just needs to know who you are and where you (in the service) are in case of an emergency.
If interested please contact Pastor Rodney Friend HERE. .
On April 6th, we will have two special events for widows and widowers.
Friendship is pleased to present another GriefShare event. This event is specifically for those who are grieving the loss of a spouse. We are hosting the "Loss of A Spouse" seminar and would be honored if you chose to journey with us through this event. Our hope is that you would gain comfort, and some practical coping skills from this seminar that will assist you as you continue to navigate through your new reality. To register please go to the GriefShare webpage HERE. We hope to see you there.
Widow and Widowers Luncheon
The Christian Education and Deacon Ministry will host a Widow and Widowers Luncheon. Come enjoy an afternoon of fellowship, food, games, and encouraging connections with others on the life journey after their spouse's loss. Please register HERE as soon as possible to secure your seat at the luncheon.
All attendees of the "Loss of A Spouse" seminar are also welcome to join us on campus for our Widow and Widowers Luncheon immediately following the seminar. We just need you to register: HERE
We are excited to announce that our Youth Worship Service is back. All youth 6th-12th Grade are welcome to join in. Come out as we continue this series called Bible Basics where we discover how we got the Bible and why we can trust that the Bible truly is the Word of God. The Youth praise team leads worship and there will also be games and fun. They meet in the Carrington Building Basement. Young people, JOIN IN!
The Friendship Safety Team is currently recruiting new members. We need more women and coverage for the 2nd service.
The prerequisites are:
- Member in good standing. New Members must complete new member's class to be officially added to the team. However, they are able to serve will attending the class.
- Ability to serve the entire service. We ask that they show up 30 mins prior to the start of service and stay until the end of service, preferably until all the parishioners leave.
- Be available for special services/events, as needed.
We also would like to appeal to those in Law Enforcement Officers or Retired LEOs. We would love to you on the team, but we know that many of you want to just worship and leave the job at the job. The Safety team, however, just needs to know who you are and where you (in the service) are in case of an emergency.
If interested please contact Pastor Rodney Friend HERE. .
We want to say thank you for your giving and partnership. YOUR GIVING MATTERS! Your faithful giving allows us to increasingly do the work of ministry for our members AND to everyone the Lord sends to us and sends us to. Let’s keep giving to make Friendship a productive church! You may give HERE.
General Church things to remember:
Ephesians 3:20-21 ESV
Philippians 2:8-11; Romans 6:8-11
✔ The Pentateuch (or the first five books of the Old Testament),
✔ The entire Old Testament,
✔ The Gospels (or the first four books of the New Testament),
✔ The entire New Testament, and
✔ Psalms and Proverbs (3 times)
I look forward to seeing you on Sunday. We continue our series in Acts because we are On the Move! We will be Acts Chapter 6 and we pray that God will speak to us in a very real and a specific way. I look forward to seeing you.
Remember this, God loves you and so do I.
I’ll see you Sunday. Have a great weekend.

Rev. Kenneth C. Curry, Jr.
Your Pastor
We want to say thank you for your giving and partnership. YOUR GIVING MATTERS! Your faithful giving allows us to increasingly do the work of ministry for our members AND to everyone the Lord sends to us and sends us to. Let’s keep giving to make Friendship a productive church! You may give HERE.
General Church things to remember:
Ephesians 3:20-21 ESV
Philippians 2:8-11; Romans 6:8-11
We invite everyone to consider reading God’s Word this year! As of today, you have 290 days to complete a Bible reading plan, including today. At Friendship, we encourage every member to read one of six Bible reading plans in the year. Consider joining a Bible-reading small group that will be starting soon! The plans include:
✔ The entire Bible,✔ The Pentateuch (or the first five books of the Old Testament),
✔ The entire Old Testament,
✔ The Gospels (or the first four books of the New Testament),
✔ The entire New Testament, and
✔ Psalms and Proverbs (3 times)
Remember, Health Care Ministry is sponsoring a weekly Health Walk every Saturday from 7:00 am to 7:35 am led by Rev. Aubrey Craig and Sister Sandra Jones. This is a 30-minute walk. The walking group will meet on the corner of Bastanchury Road and Rose Drive. If you want to participate, show up with water and energy snacks. Water and snacks will not be provided. For more information, please call Sister Sandra Jones at 909-438-7217.
We invite you to stay after the first service or come earlier for the second service to attend EX-Hour in person. Remember, we have two adult classes meeting in person on campus and a Young Adult Class. They meet as follows:
- Adult Class One (Sanctuary): The team teaching in the Sanctuary includes Lady Karima Curry, Pamela Jones, Deacon Demetrius Linebarger, Melanie Porter, Vivian Randolph, & Deacon James Shelby
- Adult Class Two (Carrington Building Room 217): The team teaching in the Carrington Building Room 217 includes Le Shon Archer, Deacon Rick Archer, Karen Ammons, Gwen Matthews, and Carl Randolph.
- Young Adults Class (Carrington Building Rooms 207-208): This class is designed for those aged 18-35.
- VIRTUAL EX HOUR: Virtual Ex-Hour meets weekly on Sundays via ZOOM. Join us for class at 10:00 am via this link HERE.
- YOUTH EX HOUR: Our in-person youth EX-Hour takes place during our designated EX Hour time in the Multipurpose Building. Parents, please encourage your students to join youth teachers for this biblically fun opportunity to learn God’s Word, connect with others, and grow.
- CHILDREN’S EX-HOUR: As stated in previous weeks, our Children’s EX-Hour is back and meets on Sundays at 10am in the Multipurpose Building. Parents, please note you must check in and check out your children weekly for Ex-Hour.
- MOMMIES WITH BABIES: We have our Mommies with Babies class simultaneously during EX-Hour in the Multipurpose Building. Mommies with two years old and younger children are invited to this EX-HOUR class and are encouraged to bring their children with them! Come for encouragement, community, and growth! Amen!
- WEDNESDAY Prayer Day: Join us each Wednesday for Prayer. We pray at 6:30 am, 12:00 pm, and 6:30 pm. To connect with our prayer services, please follow this link HERE or dial in at +1 (413) 418-4274 and use the PIN 287683504#.
- Friendship FOOD BANK OPEN: The Friendship Food Bank is OPEN with a new drive-thru system where our clients will receive a pre-packaged food box and a bag of groceries. The Food Bank’s hours of operation are Tuesday - Thursday, 2:30 pm-4:30 pm.
I look forward to seeing you on Sunday. We continue our series in Acts because we are On the Move! We will be Acts Chapter 6 and we pray that God will speak to us in a very real and a specific way. I look forward to seeing you.
Remember this, God loves you and so do I.
I’ll see you Sunday. Have a great weekend.
Rev. Kenneth C. Curry, Jr.
Your Pastor
Posted in Pastor\\\'s Update
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