Greetings Friendship Family!
Happy Friday to you!
Welcome to February!
January ran away QUICKLY, didn’t it!
Well, as we enter this new month! I want to salute each of you for your perseverance during our 21-day Fast! It is not important to me what type of fast you observed, what is important is your desire to grow closer to God by whatever means possible for you! That’s what the church exists for! The church exists to grow disciples (or believers), who grow closer to God through Christ Jesus!
We are not a country club nor are we a cruise ship!
We are the People of God! We first seek to follow Him! Then we seek to implore others to do the same. And we seek to make Him known in the world through acts of kindness, service, and representation. We are his representatives! Amen!
So, I salute you for growing closer to God! May I encourage you? Do not stop here. Continue. If you read through all of Acts, now read another book of the bible. Find a book that has 28-31 chapters and read a chapter a day. If you need assistance with a Bible Reading plan or finding a Bible study, please contact Sister LeShon Archer in our Christian Education and Discipleship Ministries department and let her help you!
Let’s Grow Friendship!
Look, I want to get to these announcements really quickly and get you to your weekend!
First and foremost, I want to invite you to join our evangelism efforts here at Friendship.
Evangelism is the term we use to refer to the sharing the Gospel. Evangelism is one way in which we can fulfill Christ’s call to be His witnesses as I preached in Acts 1:8. Witnessing involves making known what is otherwise UNKNOWN.
Two Tuesdays ago, on January 23rd, we kicked off an Evangelism Class entitled “Live Ready" - Sharing Jesus as you Go.
Happy Friday to you!
Welcome to February!
January ran away QUICKLY, didn’t it!
Well, as we enter this new month! I want to salute each of you for your perseverance during our 21-day Fast! It is not important to me what type of fast you observed, what is important is your desire to grow closer to God by whatever means possible for you! That’s what the church exists for! The church exists to grow disciples (or believers), who grow closer to God through Christ Jesus!
We are not a country club nor are we a cruise ship!
We are the People of God! We first seek to follow Him! Then we seek to implore others to do the same. And we seek to make Him known in the world through acts of kindness, service, and representation. We are his representatives! Amen!
So, I salute you for growing closer to God! May I encourage you? Do not stop here. Continue. If you read through all of Acts, now read another book of the bible. Find a book that has 28-31 chapters and read a chapter a day. If you need assistance with a Bible Reading plan or finding a Bible study, please contact Sister LeShon Archer in our Christian Education and Discipleship Ministries department and let her help you!
Let’s Grow Friendship!
Look, I want to get to these announcements really quickly and get you to your weekend!
First and foremost, I want to invite you to join our evangelism efforts here at Friendship.
Evangelism is the term we use to refer to the sharing the Gospel. Evangelism is one way in which we can fulfill Christ’s call to be His witnesses as I preached in Acts 1:8. Witnessing involves making known what is otherwise UNKNOWN.
Two Tuesdays ago, on January 23rd, we kicked off an Evangelism Class entitled “Live Ready" - Sharing Jesus as you Go.

This class offers the opportunity to strengthen your faith as we courageously move forward in our call to share the Gospel. Be a WITNESS! Now we have had only a few participants and I want to encourage you! Yeah, you, I am talking to you! Join in! It doesn’t matter that it has already started. Plan to be there Tuesday, February 6th and learn HOW TO SHARE JESUS EVERYWHERE YOU GO!
The class has just five more sessions! You need to have your face in the place. Age doesn’t matter! Everyone needs to share Jesus! AMEN. The class meets on the second floor of the Carrington Building on Tuesdays at 7:00pm. If you have questions please contact Rev. Felton Patrick Christian HERE ASAP!
Now here are this week's announcements...
The class has just five more sessions! You need to have your face in the place. Age doesn’t matter! Everyone needs to share Jesus! AMEN. The class meets on the second floor of the Carrington Building on Tuesdays at 7:00pm. If you have questions please contact Rev. Felton Patrick Christian HERE ASAP!
Now here are this week's announcements...

Join us virtually TONIGHT, February 2nd, for our Monthly Prayer Meeting. We gather and have prayer every Friday evening before the First Sunday. This service is a time for us to pray through the monthly prayer focus, come together as a worship community, and prepare for the first Sunday. The prayer focus for January is Walking in the Will of God. So please join us virtually via Google Meet TONIGHT for prayer! Also, pray that Friendship will continue to do the work to Build The Kingdom in every area of our church. To join at 7:30 pm, go HERE.
Join us virtually TONIGHT, February 2nd, for our Monthly Prayer Meeting. We gather and have prayer every Friday evening before the First Sunday. This service is a time for us to pray through the monthly prayer focus, come together as a worship community, and prepare for the first Sunday. The prayer focus for January is Walking in the Will of God. So please join us virtually via Google Meet TONIGHT for prayer! Also, pray that Friendship will continue to do the work to Build The Kingdom in every area of our church. To join at 7:30 pm, go HERE.
Wives! Tomorrow, February 3rd, in the next WIVES CLASS. It meets virtually from 9:00-10:30 am via ZOOM. Join Lady Karima, and other Friendship wives as they as they launch into a new study entitled A Wife after God's Own Heart. This week's lesson will focus on Working As A Team. This class is open for new members at any time. To receive the Zoom link to the class, register today, and bring a friend! Go HERE.
Wives! Tomorrow, February 3rd, in the next WIVES CLASS. It meets virtually from 9:00-10:30 am via ZOOM. Join Lady Karima, and other Friendship wives as they as they launch into a new study entitled A Wife after God's Own Heart. This week's lesson will focus on Working As A Team. This class is open for new members at any time. To receive the Zoom link to the class, register today, and bring a friend! Go HERE.

Come out and support our Scouting Ministries (Cub Scouts, Girl Scouts and Boy Scouts) as they march in the Orange County Black History Parade this Saturday, February 3rd. The parade begins at 10:00 am. More info may be found HERE on the City of Anaheim's website.
As stated earlier, Sunday is First Sunday! It is Communion Sunday, I pray you will join us in person for worship and communion! IF you will worship form home, check out the communion instructions so you can observe communion virtually HERE.
We are excited to announce that our Youth Worship Service kicks off on this Sunday, February 4TH @ 11:30am for all youth 6th-12th Grade. This month, we will meet on the 4th and the 18th only, as February 11th is Friendship Day. Come out as we kick off this series called Bible Basics where we will discover how we got the Bible and why we can trust that the Bible truly is the Word of God. The Youth praise team will lead worship and there will also be games and fun. They will meet in the Carrington Building Basement. Young People, JOIN IN!
All FBI Teachers and LEAD Graduates, we want to remind you that our first Teacher's Meeting of the year is scheduled for Saturday, February 10th at 10:30 am in the Multi-Purpose Building. As we launch 2024, all teachers are asked to join us as we share what’s planned for the ministry in 2024.
Come out and support our Scouting Ministries (Cub Scouts, Girl Scouts and Boy Scouts) as they march in the Orange County Black History Parade this Saturday, February 3rd. The parade begins at 10:00 am. More info may be found HERE on the City of Anaheim's website.
As stated earlier, Sunday is First Sunday! It is Communion Sunday, I pray you will join us in person for worship and communion! IF you will worship form home, check out the communion instructions so you can observe communion virtually HERE.
We are excited to announce that our Youth Worship Service kicks off on this Sunday, February 4TH @ 11:30am for all youth 6th-12th Grade. This month, we will meet on the 4th and the 18th only, as February 11th is Friendship Day. Come out as we kick off this series called Bible Basics where we will discover how we got the Bible and why we can trust that the Bible truly is the Word of God. The Youth praise team will lead worship and there will also be games and fun. They will meet in the Carrington Building Basement. Young People, JOIN IN!
All FBI Teachers and LEAD Graduates, we want to remind you that our first Teacher's Meeting of the year is scheduled for Saturday, February 10th at 10:30 am in the Multi-Purpose Building. As we launch 2024, all teachers are asked to join us as we share what’s planned for the ministry in 2024.

Friendship Day is coming! Friendship takes place Sunday, February 11th! We will have ONE SERVICE at 10am it’s about a 90 minutes service with opportunity for us to fellowship as one church immediately after the service. Please come out and GET TO KNOW your Friendship family!
WE invite you to wear your favorite football team jersey, stop by the various ministry tables that will be available for your perusal, enjoy the KID ZONE especially designed for our children and participate in various games and win prizes. It will be a fun day! Don’t worry! You will have plenty of time to get ready for the Super Bowl game!
The Silver Eagles ministry is now launching the annual Black History Contest for all First through 12th Grade students. This year the focus is "African Americans and the Arts." This contest requires students to chose a black person from the past or present who is using or has used his or her special gifts in the ARTS to serve others, and to influence history, our culture, and you. Then you will need to research and make a video presentation. Entries must be submitted by February 16th. For more info, go HERE.
Friendship Day is coming! Friendship takes place Sunday, February 11th! We will have ONE SERVICE at 10am it’s about a 90 minutes service with opportunity for us to fellowship as one church immediately after the service. Please come out and GET TO KNOW your Friendship family!
WE invite you to wear your favorite football team jersey, stop by the various ministry tables that will be available for your perusal, enjoy the KID ZONE especially designed for our children and participate in various games and win prizes. It will be a fun day! Don’t worry! You will have plenty of time to get ready for the Super Bowl game!
The Silver Eagles ministry is now launching the annual Black History Contest for all First through 12th Grade students. This year the focus is "African Americans and the Arts." This contest requires students to chose a black person from the past or present who is using or has used his or her special gifts in the ARTS to serve others, and to influence history, our culture, and you. Then you will need to research and make a video presentation. Entries must be submitted by February 16th. For more info, go HERE.

Service... We've prepared ourselves for discipleship, and we've engaged in evangelism. It's now time to get after it though our service. Come out on Monday, February 12th at 7:00 pm in the Multi-Purpose Building. Come participate in a great topic and enjoy some good food as well.
On Wednesday, February 14th we're hosting a Valentine's Party for children (Pre-K-5th grade) and youth (6-12th grade) from 4:30–8:30 PM. We'll have music, games, crafts, food, and all kinds of fun. Parents, this is your opportunity to enjoy a few hours out on Valentine's Day! This night is about Friendship Love, so we also invite adults of all ages to join the fun and volunteer to make this event a blast! You must register, HERE.
Service... We've prepared ourselves for discipleship, and we've engaged in evangelism. It's now time to get after it though our service. Come out on Monday, February 12th at 7:00 pm in the Multi-Purpose Building. Come participate in a great topic and enjoy some good food as well.
On Wednesday, February 14th we're hosting a Valentine's Party for children (Pre-K-5th grade) and youth (6-12th grade) from 4:30–8:30 PM. We'll have music, games, crafts, food, and all kinds of fun. Parents, this is your opportunity to enjoy a few hours out on Valentine's Day! This night is about Friendship Love, so we also invite adults of all ages to join the fun and volunteer to make this event a blast! You must register, HERE.
We began a new 8-week New Members Class session on Sunday, January 7th. It is not too late to join in! If you joined Friendship, but have not completed the New Members Class, we strongly encourage you to complete this 8-week course which will introduce you to the foundational beliefs, biblical doctrine, and operations of our church. This course takes place in-person on Sunday mornings at 10:00 am. To register, go HERE.
We began a new 8-week New Members Class session on Sunday, January 7th. It is not too late to join in! If you joined Friendship, but have not completed the New Members Class, we strongly encourage you to complete this 8-week course which will introduce you to the foundational beliefs, biblical doctrine, and operations of our church. This course takes place in-person on Sunday mornings at 10:00 am. To register, go HERE.
This year, we are celebrating our 60th Anniversary all year. We are planning to produce a 60th Anniversary Celebration Book and would love to include your congratulatory words or messages of encouragement and photos. Please use this form to send your message and upload a photo.
This year, we are celebrating our 60th Anniversary all year. We are planning to produce a 60th Anniversary Celebration Book and would love to include your congratulatory words or messages of encouragement and photos. Please use this form to send your message and upload a photo.

Happy New Year! Ladies, it is with exuberance, excitement and jubilant joy that we invite you to join us "In Person" for the Women’s Ministry Prayer Conference! Join us on February 24th at 9:00 a.m., where as a church community and as Women of Faith, let’s get together to Praise and Pray! Mark your calendars, save the date and most importantly, don't forget to register! Go HERE. We look forward to seeing you there!
Happy New Year! Ladies, it is with exuberance, excitement and jubilant joy that we invite you to join us "In Person" for the Women’s Ministry Prayer Conference! Join us on February 24th at 9:00 a.m., where as a church community and as Women of Faith, let’s get together to Praise and Pray! Mark your calendars, save the date and most importantly, don't forget to register! Go HERE. We look forward to seeing you there!

We want to say thank you for your giving and partnership. YOUR GIVING MATTERS! Your faithful giving allows us to increasingly do the work of ministry for our members AND to everyone the Lord sends to us and sends us to. Let’s keep giving to make Friendship a productive church! You may give HERE.
General Church things to remember:
Ephesians 3:20-21 ESV
John 3:16; Mark 12:30-31; John 13:34; Ephesians 5:2; Deuteronomy 7:9;
member to read one of six Bible reading plans in the year. Consider joining a Bible-reading
small group that will be starting soon! The plans include:
✔ The entire Bible,
✔ The Pentateuch (or the first five books of the Old Testament),
✔ The entire Old Testament,
✔ The Gospels (or the first four books of the New Testament),
✔ The entire New Testament, and
✔ Psalms and Proverbs (3 times)
7:00 am to 7:35 am led by Rev. Aubrey Craig and Sister Sandra Jones. This is a 30-minute
walk. The walking group will meet on the corner of Bastanchury Road and Rose Drive. If you
want to participate, show up with water and energy snacks. Water and snacks will not be
provided. For more information, please call Sister Sandra Jones at 909-438-7217.
a Young Adult Class. They meet as follows:
Blessings! Have a wonderful day and weekend and we will see you Sunday!
Continue to Stay Safe, Stay Healthy, Stay Connected
God loves you, and so do I!

Rev. Kenneth C. Curry, Jr.
Your Pastor
We want to say thank you for your giving and partnership. YOUR GIVING MATTERS! Your faithful giving allows us to increasingly do the work of ministry for our members AND to everyone the Lord sends to us and sends us to. Let’s keep giving to make Friendship a productive church! You may give HERE.
General Church things to remember:
Ephesians 3:20-21 ESV
John 3:16; Mark 12:30-31; John 13:34; Ephesians 5:2; Deuteronomy 7:9;
member to read one of six Bible reading plans in the year. Consider joining a Bible-reading
small group that will be starting soon! The plans include:
✔ The entire Bible,
✔ The Pentateuch (or the first five books of the Old Testament),
✔ The entire Old Testament,
✔ The Gospels (or the first four books of the New Testament),
✔ The entire New Testament, and
✔ Psalms and Proverbs (3 times)
7:00 am to 7:35 am led by Rev. Aubrey Craig and Sister Sandra Jones. This is a 30-minute
walk. The walking group will meet on the corner of Bastanchury Road and Rose Drive. If you
want to participate, show up with water and energy snacks. Water and snacks will not be
provided. For more information, please call Sister Sandra Jones at 909-438-7217.
a Young Adult Class. They meet as follows:
- Adult Class One (Sanctuary): The team teaching in the Sanctuary includes Lady Karima Curry, Pamela Jones, Deacon Demetrius Linebarger, Melanie Porter, Vivian Randolph, & Deacon James Shelby
- Adult Class Two (Carrington Building Room 217): The team teaching in the Carrington Building Room 217 includes Le Shon Archer, Deacon Rick Archer, Karen Ammons, Gwen Matthews, and Carl Randolph.
- Young Adults Class (Carrington Building Rooms 207-208): This class is designed for those aged 18-35.
- EX HOUR: Virtual Ex-Hour meets weekly on Sundays via ZOOM. Join us for class at 10:00 am via this link HERE.
- YOUTH EX HOUR: Our in-person youth EX-Hour takes place during our designated EX Hour time in the Multipurpose Building. Parents, please encourage your students to join youth teachers for this biblically fun opportunity to learn God’s Word, connect with others, and grow.
- CHILDREN’S EX-HOUR: As stated in previous weeks, our Children’s EX-Hour is back and meets on Sundays at 10am in the Multipurpose Building. Parents, please note you must check in and check out your children weekly for Ex-Hour.
- MOMMIES WITH BABIES: We have our Mommies with Babies class simultaneously during EX-Hour in the Multipurpose Building. Mommies with two years old and younger children are invited to this EX-HOUR class and are encouraged to bring their children with them! Come for encouragement, community, and growth! Amen!
- WEDNESDAY Prayer Day: Join us each Wednesday for Prayer. We pray at 6:30 am, 12:00 pm, and 6:30 pm. To connect with our prayer services, please follow this link HERE or dial in at +1 (413) 418-4274 and use the PIN 287683504#.
- Friendship FOOD BANK OPEN: The Friendship Food Bank is OPEN with a new drive-thru system where our clients will receive a pre-packaged food box and a bag of groceries. The Food Bank’s hours of operation are Tuesday - Thursday, 2:30 pm-4:30 pm.
Blessings! Have a wonderful day and weekend and we will see you Sunday!
Continue to Stay Safe, Stay Healthy, Stay Connected
God loves you, and so do I!
Rev. Kenneth C. Curry, Jr.
Your Pastor
Posted in Pastor\\\'s Update
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