Greetings Friendship,
As our Senior Pastor, Kenneth C. Curry, Jr., mentioned on Sunday, he is away this week at the Southern Baptist Convention meeting in New Orleans, so I am stepping in this week with this week's update. Also, Congratulations to Pastor Curry and Lady Karima as they celebrated 9 years of holy matrimony on this past Wednesday!
Praise the Lord!
As our Senior Pastor, Kenneth C. Curry, Jr., mentioned on Sunday, he is away this week at the Southern Baptist Convention meeting in New Orleans, so I am stepping in this week with this week's update. Also, Congratulations to Pastor Curry and Lady Karima as they celebrated 9 years of holy matrimony on this past Wednesday!
Praise the Lord!
For the devotional this week, I was thinking through various conversations Jesus had with people. In many of the conversations with Jesus recorded in the Bible, three types of individuals emerge. There were the curious, the convinced and the committed. The curious came to hear what He had to say. The convinced believed, through their experience and observation, that He had the power to change their lives. The third group of individuals moved beyond the curious and the convinced to a faith that changed the world – they were the committed.
I'm sure you remember the story of Jesus feeding the five thousand. One day, over five thousand people came to hear Jesus – some walking great distances. He had compassion on them, and He healed the sick and hurting that came seeking His help. When evening arrived, the disciples urged Him to send them off to nearby villages in search of dinner.
He said, “They do not need to go away. You give them something to eat.” The twelve were convinced that Jesus was who He claimed to be, that He had the ability to help, but they approached Him only to point out the problem…the hour was late, the people were hungry, and they didn’t have enough food to feed a crowd of five thousand.
In spite of the fact that they had watched Him minister to this group all day long, they had witnessed the healing miracles from morning to evening, the disciples faltered in moving from the convinced to the committed.
One young boy demonstrated what it looked like to be committed. He brought everything he had – just five loaves and two fish – and presented them to Jesus. This boy was all in. He saw a need. He looked at what he had. He knew it was not enough. But he gave all he had to Jesus. In Jesus’ hands, something miraculous could happen. The boy was committed.
Most of us slow to a stop at being convinced. We are content to point out our problems to Jesus. We know He can help if He wants to do so.
But we have to ask ourselves, “are we committed?” You look at what is in your hands. You know it is not enough. You are convinced that Jesus can do something miraculous for you. Are you all in? Take all that you have, all that you are, and lay it in His hands. Like those fish and loaves, He will bless what you commit to Him, and He will fill you up to overflowing with every good thing.
Now on to this week announcements....
I'm sure you remember the story of Jesus feeding the five thousand. One day, over five thousand people came to hear Jesus – some walking great distances. He had compassion on them, and He healed the sick and hurting that came seeking His help. When evening arrived, the disciples urged Him to send them off to nearby villages in search of dinner.
He said, “They do not need to go away. You give them something to eat.” The twelve were convinced that Jesus was who He claimed to be, that He had the ability to help, but they approached Him only to point out the problem…the hour was late, the people were hungry, and they didn’t have enough food to feed a crowd of five thousand.
In spite of the fact that they had watched Him minister to this group all day long, they had witnessed the healing miracles from morning to evening, the disciples faltered in moving from the convinced to the committed.
One young boy demonstrated what it looked like to be committed. He brought everything he had – just five loaves and two fish – and presented them to Jesus. This boy was all in. He saw a need. He looked at what he had. He knew it was not enough. But he gave all he had to Jesus. In Jesus’ hands, something miraculous could happen. The boy was committed.
Most of us slow to a stop at being convinced. We are content to point out our problems to Jesus. We know He can help if He wants to do so.
But we have to ask ourselves, “are we committed?” You look at what is in your hands. You know it is not enough. You are convinced that Jesus can do something miraculous for you. Are you all in? Take all that you have, all that you are, and lay it in His hands. Like those fish and loaves, He will bless what you commit to Him, and He will fill you up to overflowing with every good thing.
Now on to this week announcements....

Women of Friendship - Join in tonight at 7:00 pm for our monthly fellowship. Tonight we are focussing on the topic, "Saying So Long: So Long, Expectations - So Long, Security. Our facilitator for tonight will be Sis. Leshon Archer. You do not want to miss this time of learning, growing and sharing. Joing via Zoom by clicking here.
Jump-start your exercise routine by walking with the Healthcare Ministry! In preparation for our Annual 5K Health Walk at the Church Picnic, our Healthcare Ministry will offer a pre-walk training on Saturdays beginning tomorrow, Saturday, June 17th at 7:00 am. This training will take place on the El Cajon Trail in Yorba Linda. Participants will meet in the parking lot of the St Jude’s Heritage Medical Group at 4300 Rose Drive, that’s just one block from the 'Ship. The other dates for training are June 24th, July 1st and July 8th. If you are intimated by the 5K, we still want you to join us. You can walk with the regular group that meets every Saturday from 7:00-7:30 am at the same location. There will be something for everyone. Let’s all have fun walking. To sign up-stop by the healthcare ministry table.
This Sunday, June 18th is Father's Day! Praise the Lord for the fathers and the father figures in our lives. We will celebrate fathers on Sunday and have a small gift of appreciation for all fathers. Come out and celebrate with us!
Sunday, June 25th, will be our ANNUAL CHILDREN & YOUTH DAY. On this day, we will celebrate the children and youth of our church. In preparation for this Sunday, the Children and Youth Day Choir have a final rehearsal on Wednesday, June 21st at 7:00 pm. Rehearsal will take place in the Multi-Purpose Building. For more information on the choir, please email Sonya Griffin HERE.
Our Baccalaureate Service will take place on June 25th at the 8:00 am service. All graduating high school seniors are encouraged to participate. An email with the details has been sent to all who have previously submitted their names. If you have not submitted your name or your graduate’s name yet, you may do so HERE. We ask that participating high school graduates wear their cap & gowns and meet at 7:30 am on next Sunday. We will also recognize college graduates that day.
Our Scholarship Award Ceremony will also take place on June 25th at 10:00 am. Join us as we celebrate the academic success of those in K-5th Grade and 6th - 12th Grade. We will also celebrate with our children as they promote in their ExHour classes.
CHAT is a community-based educational training program designed to provide communities with tools and resources to reduce cardiovascular disease disparities and improve health outcomes by reducing disparities in cardiovascular disease. The next FREE Monthly Virtual Conversation will be on Tuesday, June 27th at 7:00 pm. The ZOOM Meeting ID: 851 2551 3204 |Passcode #738897
The Evangelism Ministry wants to encourage you to stretch your faith by serving outside the walls of our church. On July 1st & 2nd 2023 the two-day Harvest Crusade event will be held at the Honda Center. They are offering ministry opportunities in a variety of positions. The various areas of services are listed in this week’s bulletin. If you want to serve, please sign up HERE.
Women of Friendship - Join in tonight at 7:00 pm for our monthly fellowship. Tonight we are focussing on the topic, "Saying So Long: So Long, Expectations - So Long, Security. Our facilitator for tonight will be Sis. Leshon Archer. You do not want to miss this time of learning, growing and sharing. Joing via Zoom by clicking here.
Jump-start your exercise routine by walking with the Healthcare Ministry! In preparation for our Annual 5K Health Walk at the Church Picnic, our Healthcare Ministry will offer a pre-walk training on Saturdays beginning tomorrow, Saturday, June 17th at 7:00 am. This training will take place on the El Cajon Trail in Yorba Linda. Participants will meet in the parking lot of the St Jude’s Heritage Medical Group at 4300 Rose Drive, that’s just one block from the 'Ship. The other dates for training are June 24th, July 1st and July 8th. If you are intimated by the 5K, we still want you to join us. You can walk with the regular group that meets every Saturday from 7:00-7:30 am at the same location. There will be something for everyone. Let’s all have fun walking. To sign up-stop by the healthcare ministry table.
This Sunday, June 18th is Father's Day! Praise the Lord for the fathers and the father figures in our lives. We will celebrate fathers on Sunday and have a small gift of appreciation for all fathers. Come out and celebrate with us!
Sunday, June 25th, will be our ANNUAL CHILDREN & YOUTH DAY. On this day, we will celebrate the children and youth of our church. In preparation for this Sunday, the Children and Youth Day Choir have a final rehearsal on Wednesday, June 21st at 7:00 pm. Rehearsal will take place in the Multi-Purpose Building. For more information on the choir, please email Sonya Griffin HERE.
Our Baccalaureate Service will take place on June 25th at the 8:00 am service. All graduating high school seniors are encouraged to participate. An email with the details has been sent to all who have previously submitted their names. If you have not submitted your name or your graduate’s name yet, you may do so HERE. We ask that participating high school graduates wear their cap & gowns and meet at 7:30 am on next Sunday. We will also recognize college graduates that day.
Our Scholarship Award Ceremony will also take place on June 25th at 10:00 am. Join us as we celebrate the academic success of those in K-5th Grade and 6th - 12th Grade. We will also celebrate with our children as they promote in their ExHour classes.
CHAT is a community-based educational training program designed to provide communities with tools and resources to reduce cardiovascular disease disparities and improve health outcomes by reducing disparities in cardiovascular disease. The next FREE Monthly Virtual Conversation will be on Tuesday, June 27th at 7:00 pm. The ZOOM Meeting ID: 851 2551 3204 |Passcode #738897
The Evangelism Ministry wants to encourage you to stretch your faith by serving outside the walls of our church. On July 1st & 2nd 2023 the two-day Harvest Crusade event will be held at the Honda Center. They are offering ministry opportunities in a variety of positions. The various areas of services are listed in this week’s bulletin. If you want to serve, please sign up HERE.
Discipleship Bootcamp is Coming!
Friendship family, we invite you to join us for Discipleship Bootcamp, taking place Tuesday, July 11th through Thursday, July 13th, from 7:00 - 9:00 pm here at the church. This year’s theme is “Building Resilient Faith in the Twists and Turns of Life.” It's not all smooth sailing in the game of life - even after becoming a Christian. Jesus guides us through the ups, downs, and zigzags of life. Even when we mess up, it's never "game over." Following Jesus changes the game! We’re prepared to host classes for adults, children, and youth, but we need you to please register so we can plan and prepare for your arrival.
Also, we have many opportunities for those that are able to help out in the areas of registration, directing people, snack tables, materials tables, greeters, etc. To register to attend OR volunteer, please register HERE.
Our Annual Church Picnic and 5K Health Walk will take place on Saturday, July 15th, at Ted Craig Regional Park. We are returning to the time before the pandemic, with the foods we enjoy, hamburgers, hot links, desserts, and the famous roasted buttery corn. We will have games, jumpers, and lots of fun for the entire family. More information will be provided in the coming weeks. Volunteers are needed to cook, serve, and set up. Please contact the church office to volunteer and don’t forget about the 5K Health Walk.
The Outreach Department has begun sign-ups for the Angel Tree projects. Angel Tree mobilizes local churches like ours to minister to hundreds of thousands of children by delivering a gift, the Gospel message, and a personal message of love on behalf of their mom or dad behind bars.
If you are interested in participating, please complete the interest form HERE.
Friendship Family, our Celebrate Recovery Ministry, invites you to join them weekly for encouragement and fellowship! Proverbs 27:17 says, “Iron sharpens iron, and one man sharpens the face of his neighbor.”
Celebrate Recovery is a biblically-balanced approach to help bring sustainable recovery and healing to our hurts, habits and hang-ups. It guides us toward new healthy truths and life-giving habits as we repair our broken relationships. Join us every Thursday Night in the Multipurpose Building. Dinner begins at 6:00pm. The General session begins at 7:00 pm and the Men’s and Women’s Small Group begins at 8:00 pm.
Beloved, as the summer approaches, we encourage you to remain faithful in your giving. I know it is graduation and travel season, but we still have ministry and financial obligations, and we need your faithful tithing support to meet those obligations! Therefore, we ask that you begin or continue to be faithful and trust God by bringing God your “whole” tithe. Remember, you can still give online, via the mail, or in person on Sundays. Give HERE.
Discipleship Bootcamp is Coming!
Friendship family, we invite you to join us for Discipleship Bootcamp, taking place Tuesday, July 11th through Thursday, July 13th, from 7:00 - 9:00 pm here at the church. This year’s theme is “Building Resilient Faith in the Twists and Turns of Life.” It's not all smooth sailing in the game of life - even after becoming a Christian. Jesus guides us through the ups, downs, and zigzags of life. Even when we mess up, it's never "game over." Following Jesus changes the game! We’re prepared to host classes for adults, children, and youth, but we need you to please register so we can plan and prepare for your arrival.
Also, we have many opportunities for those that are able to help out in the areas of registration, directing people, snack tables, materials tables, greeters, etc. To register to attend OR volunteer, please register HERE.
Our Annual Church Picnic and 5K Health Walk will take place on Saturday, July 15th, at Ted Craig Regional Park. We are returning to the time before the pandemic, with the foods we enjoy, hamburgers, hot links, desserts, and the famous roasted buttery corn. We will have games, jumpers, and lots of fun for the entire family. More information will be provided in the coming weeks. Volunteers are needed to cook, serve, and set up. Please contact the church office to volunteer and don’t forget about the 5K Health Walk.
The Outreach Department has begun sign-ups for the Angel Tree projects. Angel Tree mobilizes local churches like ours to minister to hundreds of thousands of children by delivering a gift, the Gospel message, and a personal message of love on behalf of their mom or dad behind bars.
If you are interested in participating, please complete the interest form HERE.
Friendship Family, our Celebrate Recovery Ministry, invites you to join them weekly for encouragement and fellowship! Proverbs 27:17 says, “Iron sharpens iron, and one man sharpens the face of his neighbor.”
Celebrate Recovery is a biblically-balanced approach to help bring sustainable recovery and healing to our hurts, habits and hang-ups. It guides us toward new healthy truths and life-giving habits as we repair our broken relationships. Join us every Thursday Night in the Multipurpose Building. Dinner begins at 6:00pm. The General session begins at 7:00 pm and the Men’s and Women’s Small Group begins at 8:00 pm.
Beloved, as the summer approaches, we encourage you to remain faithful in your giving. I know it is graduation and travel season, but we still have ministry and financial obligations, and we need your faithful tithing support to meet those obligations! Therefore, we ask that you begin or continue to be faithful and trust God by bringing God your “whole” tithe. Remember, you can still give online, via the mail, or in person on Sundays. Give HERE.
We also want to thank those who have already started to give for our FUTURE NOW INITIATIVE. We request that you submit your PLEDGE FORM and begin making your pledges.
On the pledge form, please indicate your planned pledge amount and your frequency of giving. Again, if you have the printed form, please put your total pledge amount on the KICK STARTER LINE. Then tell us, on that form, whether you will give your pledge over 12 months or 15 months. Lastly, please tell us the frequency of your giving, whether you will give weekly, monthly, quarterly, or yearly (as a one-time gift). Also, the form is available online HERE.
Make sure to follow us on our social media pages for upcoming content. For Facebook, that’s Friendship Baptist Church. For Instagram, YouTube, and TikTok, it’s @wearefriendshipchurch.
We also want to thank those who have already started to give for our FUTURE NOW INITIATIVE. We request that you submit your PLEDGE FORM and begin making your pledges.
On the pledge form, please indicate your planned pledge amount and your frequency of giving. Again, if you have the printed form, please put your total pledge amount on the KICK STARTER LINE. Then tell us, on that form, whether you will give your pledge over 12 months or 15 months. Lastly, please tell us the frequency of your giving, whether you will give weekly, monthly, quarterly, or yearly (as a one-time gift). Also, the form is available online HERE.
Make sure to follow us on our social media pages for upcoming content. For Facebook, that’s Friendship Baptist Church. For Instagram, YouTube, and TikTok, it’s @wearefriendshipchurch.
General Church things to remember:
Ephesians 6:10-18 ESV
Eph.2:4-5, Titus 3:5, Heb 4:15-16; James 3:17; 1 Peter 1:3
✔️ The entire Bible,
✔️ The Pentateuch (or the first five books of the Old Testament),
✔️ The entire Old Testament,
✔️ The Gospels (or the first four books of the New Testament),
✔️ The entire New Testament, and
✔️ Psalms and Proverbs (3 times)
Well, that’s all I have this week. Let us pray for traveling grace for he and Lady Karima as they make their way back home.
I look forward to seeing you Sunday as we celebrate Fathers' Day!

Rev. Jaron Singley
Executive Pastor of Ministries
Ephesians 6:10-18 ESV
Eph.2:4-5, Titus 3:5, Heb 4:15-16; James 3:17; 1 Peter 1:3
✔️ The entire Bible,
✔️ The Pentateuch (or the first five books of the Old Testament),
✔️ The entire Old Testament,
✔️ The Gospels (or the first four books of the New Testament),
✔️ The entire New Testament, and
✔️ Psalms and Proverbs (3 times)
- Adult Class One (Sanctuary): The team teaching in the Sanctuary includes Lady Karima Curry, Pamela Jones, Deacon Demetrius Linebarger, Melanie Porter, Vivian Randolph, & Deacon James Shelby
- Adult Class Two (Carrington Building Room 217): The team teaching in the Carrington Building Room 217 includes Le Shon Archer, Deacon Rick Archer, Karen Ammons, Gwen Matthews, and Rev. Phil Yoder
- Young Adults Class (Carrington Building Rooms 207-208): This class is designed for those aged 18-35.
- EX HOUR: Virtual Ex-Hour meets weekly on Sundays via ZOOM. Join us for class at 10:00 am via this link HERE.
- YOUTH EX HOUR: Our in-person youth EX-Hour takes place during our designated EX Hour time in the Multipurpose Building. Parents, please encourage your students to join youth teachers for this biblically fun opportunity to learn God’s Word, connect with others, and grow.
- CHILDREN’S EX-HOUR: As stated in previous weeks, our Children’s EX-Hour is back and meets on Sundays at 10am in the Multipurpose Building. Parents, please note you must check in and check out your children weekly for Ex-Hour.
- MOMMIES WITH BABIES: We have our Mommies with Babies class simultaneously during EX-Hour in the Multipurpose Building. Mommies with two years old and younger children are invited to this EX-HOUR class and are encouraged to bring their children with them! Come for encouragement, community, and growth! Amen!
- WEDNESDAY Prayer Day: Join us each Wednesday for Prayer. We pray at 6:30 am, 12:00 pm, and 6:30 pm. To connect with our prayer services, please follow this link HERE or dial in at +1 (413) 418-4274 and use the PIN 287683504#.
- FBC FOOD BANK OPEN: The FBC Food Bank is OPEN with a new drive-thru system where our clients will receive a pre-packaged food box and a bag of groceries. The Food Bank’s hours of operation are Tuesday - Thursday, 2:30 pm-4:30 pm.
Well, that’s all I have this week. Let us pray for traveling grace for he and Lady Karima as they make their way back home.
I look forward to seeing you Sunday as we celebrate Fathers' Day!
Rev. Jaron Singley
Executive Pastor of Ministries