Update On COVID-19: March 19, 2020
Greetings Friendship Family…
I miss worshiping with each of you on Sundays! I miss seeing you through the week. I miss the various ways we encourage each other. While this is a different and difficult season, I know it is necessary as our governmental leaders and medical personnel seek to flatten the curve and get this disease, COVID-19, under control. I am praying God will help us!!
Although we didn't get to worship together in person this past Sunday, I am so grateful we were able to gather together online in the cyber Sanctuary. I am so encouraged by your responses through various text messages, emails, and calls! Technology is a wonderful gift and absolutely amazing! Remember, we, the members of Friendship are the church, not our buildings. Even in time like these, we must continue to be the church. We are committed to continuing to meet the needs of our church members throughout the Southern California area.
With guidelines changing by the minute, we cannot predict the next time we will be able to hold service in person. So make sure you stay informed by downloading our church app and turn on your notifications. Make sure we have an email address on file that you check regularly. I will be sending an email every Thursday with important updates that you won’t want to miss. This will take the place of our weekly recap, normally sent on Mondays. If you have not received any notifications to this point, please don’t hesitate to contact the church for assistance.
Additionally, taking the guidance of local, state and federal government officials, our church remains open to serve you, the Friendship Family. In addition to local government guidance, we are also adhering to recommendations provided by the World Health Organization (WHO) and the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC).
Here are some things to note:
Beloved, while this has been a busy week for me in these uncertain times, it has also been extremely exciting. I am excited about how to do ministry in this context. I am excited about continuing to pastor the people of Friendship. Yes, things are scary, but we can make it. Just watch! I reaffirm to you that we are prayerful, we take precautions, but we do not panic. Let’s not forget the Apostle Paul’s encouragement to the Philippians: “Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus (Philippians 4:6-7, NIV).” Yes, it will. I plan to preach this text this Sunday. Join me in the cyber sanctuary! Is there a Word from the Lord? Yes there is!
In service to Him,

Rev. Kenneth C. Curry, Jr.
Senior Pastor
I miss worshiping with each of you on Sundays! I miss seeing you through the week. I miss the various ways we encourage each other. While this is a different and difficult season, I know it is necessary as our governmental leaders and medical personnel seek to flatten the curve and get this disease, COVID-19, under control. I am praying God will help us!!
Although we didn't get to worship together in person this past Sunday, I am so grateful we were able to gather together online in the cyber Sanctuary. I am so encouraged by your responses through various text messages, emails, and calls! Technology is a wonderful gift and absolutely amazing! Remember, we, the members of Friendship are the church, not our buildings. Even in time like these, we must continue to be the church. We are committed to continuing to meet the needs of our church members throughout the Southern California area.
With guidelines changing by the minute, we cannot predict the next time we will be able to hold service in person. So make sure you stay informed by downloading our church app and turn on your notifications. Make sure we have an email address on file that you check regularly. I will be sending an email every Thursday with important updates that you won’t want to miss. This will take the place of our weekly recap, normally sent on Mondays. If you have not received any notifications to this point, please don’t hesitate to contact the church for assistance.
Additionally, taking the guidance of local, state and federal government officials, our church remains open to serve you, the Friendship Family. In addition to local government guidance, we are also adhering to recommendations provided by the World Health Organization (WHO) and the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC).
Here are some things to note:
- Church Hours: Our church hours are changing, effective immediately. Friendship Baptist Church will be open from 9:00a – 5:00p, Monday through Thursday and we are closed on Fridays, Saturdays, and Sundays. We are asking that visitors come to the church only if it is absolutely necessary. We want to keep our members and our staff healthy and safe.
- Church Staff: We have been continually communicating to our staff to follow preventative actions as recommended by the CDC, including encouraging appropriate hygiene, such as frequent hand washing, and staying home if staff members are ill or believe they may be at risk. We will telecommute on Sundays and Fridays. If something changes we will let you know.
- Food Pantry and Clothing Ministry: Both remain closed as previously reported until further notice.
- Online Worship Services Services: Join us each Sunday at 8:00a & 11:30a as we broadcast our streamed worship streamed service on our website, through our app, via our Facebook page, and now on the Boxcast App on Apple TV, Roku, or Amazon FireTV. You can find more information on how to view our live stream by clicking HERE.
- EX Hour: We are working to offer as much as we can in the way of personal study, Bible teaching, and church engagement over the next few weeks. This includes offering EX Hour through the video conference app, Google Meets. Join us for class on Sundays at 10:15a by opening our app, clicking “ATTEND” and choosing EX Hour. A Google account is not required but if you access on a mobile device, you may need to download the Google Hangouts Meets app. You can also join on your computer by visiting wearefriendship.church/exhour and following the instructions listed.
- Prayer: God has given us an incredible prayer ministry, and our prayer posse and ministers are here and ready to pray for you. If you’re in need of prayer, please use the church website or the church app to submit your prayer request and request personal prayer. Leave your contact information and one of the assigned prayer leaders will contact you.
- Student Ministries: Be on the lookout! Our children & youth ministries are working hard to create some original, engaging, virtual experiences for our families with children and our b youth. I don’t know all of what they are planning, but I’m hearing talk of games, commercials, worship, prizes, and announcements. So stay tuned. If you are on social media at all, I need you to follow, follow, follow… our church Facebook page, our Instagram page, and our church app!
- Giving: The ministries of Friendship Baptist Church operate in the name of Jesus and are supported by your generous giving. We still need your partnership to provide the ministries that we offer. And without us knowing how long this season will last, it’s important that we maintain our financial stability as a church. Giving can be done via the We Are Friendship Church app, online at wearefriendship.church/give, by mailing a check to our mailing address below (do not mail cash), or by dropping off your gift to the church office Monday through Thursday from 9:00a to 5:00p.
- Ministry Meetings: All ministry meetings held at the church are on hiatus until further notice. Some ministries are taking advantage of conference calling and video conference technology to stay connected. For more information, contact your ministry leader.
- Looking Ahead: Sunday, April 5th, is the First Sunday and is also Palm Sunday. We will celebrate communion online together. For more information for how this will happen please go HERE.
- Communication: It is my intention to provide a weekly update to you on Thursdays. I pray you will watch the video and read the information provided. Also, if you know a member who is not connected electronically would you please contact Leigha Carrington, Membership Services Administrator, and let her know? We want to stay connected with these individuals so we will send a letter or call them personally.
Beloved, while this has been a busy week for me in these uncertain times, it has also been extremely exciting. I am excited about how to do ministry in this context. I am excited about continuing to pastor the people of Friendship. Yes, things are scary, but we can make it. Just watch! I reaffirm to you that we are prayerful, we take precautions, but we do not panic. Let’s not forget the Apostle Paul’s encouragement to the Philippians: “Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus (Philippians 4:6-7, NIV).” Yes, it will. I plan to preach this text this Sunday. Join me in the cyber sanctuary! Is there a Word from the Lord? Yes there is!
In service to Him,
Rev. Kenneth C. Curry, Jr.
Senior Pastor
Posted in COVID-19