Weekly Word from Pastor Curry: August 7, 2020

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Hey there, Friendship!

God is GOOD! His mercy is EVERLASTING! His truth ENDURES to ALL generations!
I am still floating off of last week’s Drive-In service. What great joy it brought me to worship with several of you live and in person. While we had to practice physical distancing, God was certainly with us.

I felt God’s presence richly, even with the heat. I am GRATEFUL for God’s blessings in this endeavor. I am GRATEFUL for every individual who helped us pull this service off. Thank you to our Worship Team, Media Team, Audio Team, Deaconess, Parking Lot Team, Facilities Team, and all volunteers who showed up to help us.

Thank you, Rev. Eric, for taking my vision and ministry desire and making it a reality. Also, thank you, Valerie and Kito, for your assistance and leadership. Thank you to ALL staff for your help and support. God is GREAT and GREATLY to be praised.

If you attended the service or served as a volunteer and have not done so already, would you please complete our survey located HERE. We want to hear from you so that we can improve. Also, if you registered and did not attend, there is a survey for you as well, just go HERE.

Again, we plan to have an outdoor Drive-in Service once a month on First Sundays, weather permitting. So our next Drive-in Service will take place on Sunday, September 6th. Yep, the day after my birthday.  Such a shameless plug! You can register and RSVP now by going HERE.

This Sunday, things are as they have been! Services will take place at 8am, and 11:30am with EX Hour at 10:15am for both youth and adults. Please join our Ex Hour teachers for an exciting time in God’s Word. The only difference this week is there is NO At the Door with the Curry’s this Sunday! We will be back next Sunday!

SABBATH REST is CANCELLED this year! We will continue to remain connected through August! All Bible Studies and Ministry opportunities will continue! Please remain connected and remain engaged! If you need to know what opportunities are available to you, please go to There you will see all we offer every week!

Remember, we have a civic responsibility as believers. While we have a heavenly hope, we live in an earthly reality and should do our part to exercise justice and mercy in the world. For us as citizens of America, this is done through practicing our right to vote.

Please plan to VOTE. If you do not remember if you’re registered to vote or if you need to check what name you’re registered under or what political party you’re registered with, you can check your registration status online at

Also, if you have not already done so, please complete your 2020 Census information. Census results will inform how hundreds of billions of dollars are allocated to our communities in areas such as housing, food assistance, and healthcare.

Remember, the U.S. Constitution mandates that a census of the population be conducted every ten years. Census statistics are used to determine the number of seats each state holds in the U.S. House of Representatives and inform how state, local, and federal lawmakers will allocate billions of dollars in federal funds to local communities every year for the next ten years.

It has never been easier to respond on your own, whether online, over the phone, or by mail—all without having to meet a census taker. Let’s do our part.

Here are our weekly reminders:

  • Phone Line for Worship: For our members who may have a tough time connecting to our worship service online for whatever reason, we are now offering a way for those members to dial in and listen to service over the phone. To access the service via telephone, members and guests need to dial 1 216-930-8774 and enter the PIN: 464 267 559#. It is live for both the 8:00a and 11:30a worship services.

  • EX HOUR: Ex Hour meets weekly on Sundays, and we are studying Proverbs. This study will continue through the end of August. Remember, EX Hour takes place every Sunday through the video conference app, Google Meet. Join us for class on Sundays at 10:15a via this link HERE.

  • YOUTH EX HOUR: Our youth Ex Hour is off and running each Sunday during our designated EX Hour time. Parents, please encourage your students to join youth teachers for this biblically fun opportunity to learn God’s Word, connect with others, and grow. To join Youth Ex Hour, follow the link HERE.

  • AT THE DOOR WITH THE CURRYS: Remember this virtual experience that takes place after each worship service on Sunday. It is a time for Lady Karima and me to connect with you just like we would at church on Sunday. We want to see your face, greet you, and hear how you are doing. To meet us, follow the link HERE. See you Sunday!

  • WEDNESDAY Prayer Day: Join us each Wednesday for Prayer. We pray at 6:30a, 12p, and 6:30p. To connect with our prayer services, please follow this link HERE or dial in at +1 (413) 418-4274 and use the PIN 287683504#. 

  • RTNT Bible Study with Pastor Curry: After prayer on Wednesday evenings, please join me for RTNT Bible Study at 7p. To connect with me for Bible Study, please follow this link HERE or dial in at +1 302-455-8997 and use the PIN: 906 944 250#. I hope you are keeping up with your reading and your SOAP journaling. The reading plan is available HERE

  • FBC FOOD BANK OPEN: The FBC Food Bank is OPEN with a new drive-thru system where our clients will receive a pre-packaged food box and bag of groceries.  The Food Bank hours of operation are Tuesday - Thursday 2:30p-4:30p.  

  • COVID Membership Assistance Fund: We are STILL accepting applications for the COVID Membership Assistance Grant. If you are experiencing financial distress due to COVID19, we invite you to apply for one of our $500 assistance grants. The guidelines are available HERE, and the application is available HERE.

I continue to charge this WORSHIP COMMUNITY to PRAY, not PANIC, take PRECAUTIONS, and be PATIENT. 😊 Please practice physical distancing and wear your mask and stay safe. Wear a mask, wash your hands, and watch your distance.

This week I received information from the OC Health Care Agency. They are reaching out to communities of color to make sure we lessen disparities when it comes to COVID19. HERE is a link to some resources they have provided.
Serving you gratefully,
Rev. Kenneth C. Curry, Jr.
Senior Pastor
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